BBS Toolkit
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Copyright (c) Dustin Nulf and Tom Hazel (Development in Progress)
All Rights Reserved
Supply Room Inventory
║ ║ < Ammo > ║ ║
║ < Weapons > ╟──────────────────────╢ < Equipment > ║
╟─────────────────────╢ 13) ZZET'S Type ╟─────────────────────╢
║ 1) Steel Chain ║ 14) Power Pack ║ 20) Rations ║
║ 2) Salanger ║ 15) Cirus Supply ║ 21) Hemp Rope ║
║ 3) Natase ╟──────────────────────╢ 22) Silencer ║
║ 4) TransAxe ║ < Armor > ║ 23) Transmitter ║
║ 5) Electric Sword╟──────────────────────╢ 24) Summoner ║
║ 6) Tevix-Bahn ║ 16) Leather ║ 25) MedPacks ║
║ 7) Trilasm ║ 17) HeXonium ║ 26) Thumpers ║
║ 8) Exavator ║ 18) Laser Vest ║ 27) Galaticom ║
║ 9) Raxhaven ║ 19) Shezvarin ║ 28) Gasmask ║
║ 10) SanPlizer ╟──────────────────────╢ 29) Duroplast ║
║ 11) Devastator ║ < Suits > ║ 30) Aerial Scan ║
║ 12) Z-Tempest ╟──────────────────────╢ 31) VacPack ║
║ ║ 32) Environmental ║ ║
║ ║ 33) Combat ║ ║
{1 - Steel Chain}
]=[ Specialized unbreakable steel linked together into
]=[ a 3 feet chain. This weapon is extremely useful
`88, ,888, in disarming another opponent's weapon. Choking
`88, ,88 88, is another powerful method useable with the steel
`88, ,88' `88, chain.
`88 88' `88,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
`8O8' `8O88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888o.
{2 - Salanger}
x/x x x x\x
x<x x x x x>x
x\x x x x/x
x\x x x/x
<<~>> This bludgeon-like weapon can be used like a dagger
I I during combat. The base of the handle is a forked
I_I blade used for back-slashing while the head projects
I/I iron spikes instead of a normal blade. This produces
I/I enhanced damage capabilities.
\/ \/
{3 - Natase}
/\ /\
\\ // These little hand-to-hand weapons are
\\_ _// quite useful for disembowelment, among
\\\_____/// other things. Even though they are a
/\\_____//\ bit small, they do considerable amount
\_/_____\_/ of damage.
]/[ Natase
{4 - TransAxe}
_____/\_____ This hand-to-hand weapon is made from
\\ //______________________ the highest quality of iron and sharp
<}. / .{)________________//////] ended to .8 millimeter edge. A pivot
//_ / _\\ ~~~~~~ joint in the back allows the blade to
//__________\\ swing freely during combat maximizing
//____________\\ it's full potential of damage.
{5 - Electric-Sword}
`Ii The Electric Sword has been retained from the days
`Ii of Overkill's first invasion. It's durability has
`Ii made it one of the strongest hand-to-hand weapons.
`Ii The shaft extends approximately 3 feet in length
`Ii and is charged by a Power Pack (storing anywhere
`Ii _ from 50 to 100 rounds). When the shaft comes in
_~<\ _)) contact with another object, it emits a massive
((_//\_/ bolt of electricity which nearly doubles the amount
\_/\.\ of damage in combat.
{6 - Tevix-Bahn}
, , This odd but effective weapon is
\\ // equipped with two sharp blades in
\\ Tevix-Bahn // which are connected to a steel chain.
\\. .// The wielder holds the middle sec-
\^\ /^/ tion of the chain-grip and swings the
\^\ /^/ chain in a rowing motion. While one
\^\_ _/^/ blade is striking, the other swings
/\_/\o. .o/\_/\ behind and then strikes the attacker
\___/ Ooooo[IIIII]ooooO \___/ resulting in a double hit. Even
though the Tevix-Bahn is awkward, it
is claimed to be the most effective
hand-to-hand weaponry.
{7 - Trilasm}
|____________________ \__
|______________________________________ \ \
`----\____________________/ / /__/ \__________\_\
\ | \__// \ \ \\ '
| | \ \ \\
| | Trilasm \ \ \
\__| \______/
This is a semi-powerful weapon that pumps out high-power
ZZETs for ammunition. Three rotating chambers provide
for fast action and stable sighting.
{8 - Exavator}
__[ .. /\/ .... ..\_____
Exavator [ ]...... _____ ___ .____() This weapon uses ZZETs
\_______/.___ \.))))_.__.___/ as its ammo supply. As
); .( \\ ~~ ~~~~ \. \) crude as it looks, the
// / \) \. \ Exavator provides as a
// / \. \ strong range weapon.
// ./ \._\
\. /
{9 - Raxhaven}
(><)_______________________________________) _
_ ______________\|\___________________________|||_______________/\\
(_|_)_____) __ .. ../ ______..______ .. ../ ______...//_____ ]
\ \```~`````~````````''''''``````````~``````````~~``"|/
| | . .. . | \\ II \\ \ \
| | . :: . | \\________\\ \ \\-\\ \
This long-range | | . :: . | \\ \ \\-\\ \
weapon is fueled | | . :: . | \\ \ \\-\\ \
by a Power-Pack | | . :: . | Raxhaven \\ \ \\-\\ \
and sighted with | | . :: . | \\ \ \\-\\ \
a specialized Ax- | | . :: . | \\ \ \\-\\ \
Zan Scope. \_|________| \\_\___________\....
{10 - SanPlizer}
SanPlizer |_~``````````````````````_(
_____ __ |_____________________| ___
|/=== |-------II---------||----------||----------------|"""|
|/=== |:::::::II:::::::O=======(::::::::: ... ________|"""|
|/=== |_______II______________________________/ `---'
`-----' |_______ ___ _ _____ _ ______| This long-range weapon is
|=======|_))|@|_|~~((____) | < charged by a Power Pack and
`=======' |ZZZ| /%/ discharges a stream of high
|ZZZ| /%/ moving electrons. The heat
|ZZZ| /%/ produced is equivalent to a
`---' `--' laser.
{11 - Devastator}
_ _..__________..__.__
/; <____________//_____()
_ _______/ \_===--__________________________~~\\ This long-range weapon
(_)________)| :|| is charged by a Power-
(_)________)| ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :|| Pack and discharges a
(_)________)|__________________________________:|| realm of positrons at
\_/______________\ ;; | | . . .\_// any desired target. It
\____|_| . . .\/ is very dependable as
\\ \ . . .\ a long-range weapon.
Devastator \\ \ . . .\
\\ \ . . .\
{12 - Z-Tempest}
[====] Z-Tempest _
/%%/) |O|
/%%/ /~~~| | |
_______/%%/_________ /`o o | | |
./""""""""""""::::""""\__| |____| |_____
....../:|_________ :::::::::""`------'""""|o|"""""|---I-----------,
|====| \ ====================------.. `|--------------'
|====| `\________________________----~~~~~~
The Z-Tempest is a weapon of pure power and
beauty. The 'Z' is powered by a Cirze Supply
which can be charged to an infinite amount of
power. The Z-Tempest is the strongest of the
purchasable long-range weapons.
{13 - ZZETs}
>>____> ZZETs are a type of ammunition based on the "bullet" theory.
_____ They can be loaded into a weapon before combat (matching a
>>____> weapon that uses ZZETs ammo) and the trigger fires the ZZETs.
{14 - Power Pack}
// __ \ The Power Packs are strapped around a person's shoulders.
// / \ \_i_i_ The pack itself stores a long-lasting power supply which
[/_I [o .. ] fuels particular PP weapons. These Packs can hold up to
[o .. ] 50 or 100 rounds.
[o ./\
[o ./ /
[_ ./\/.
[_ +/ .
[_./ ..
{15 - Cirze Supply}
_ .:_ `:
<.===. .===. .===. .===. .===.> :: The Cirze Supply is strapped
|[ .:--[ .:--[ .:--[ .:--: .]| :. around a person's waist, and
|[ : [ : [ : [ : : ]| :: the steel-lined straps secure
|[ .:--[ .:--[ .:--[ .:--: .]| <> each Cirze pack. This source
\[___; [___; [___: [___: :___]/ of supply uses only CS weapons.
{16 - Leather}
Leather Armor
___ ___
[ \__/ ]
[_ ][ _] Leather armor provides a small amount of protection
\ ][ / to the upper body. The armor fits like a suit and
/ ][ \ can absorb some damage.
[ ][ ]
{17 - HeXonium}
HeXonium Armor
__ ___ ___ __
/ [. \__/ .] \
/___[. . .]___\ Used by the previous HeXonium Force settlement,
\ . / this armor is made of steel, similar to those
/ . \ armor types of the vast periods. Shoulder flaps
_[. . .]_ and thigh guards offer more protection.
[ ]
{18 - Laser vest}
Laser Vest
_____ _____
(( . \___/ . ))
~( . . )~ The laser vest holds self-charged cadmium cells
` \" "/' which, when forced upon by an object such as a
/" "\ weapon, counter the energy produced. This cuts
[." ".] the damage factor by nearly 3/4.
/[. .]\
{19 - Shezvarin}
Shezvarin Armor
__ ___ ___ __
/ [. \___/ .] \
[___[. + .]___] Shezvarin, meaning "Full Scale" in HeX-Tone,
/ ] \\ . // [ \ is a revery of all armor types. This suit of
[ ] // . \\ [ ] armor provides protection in the chest and mid-
[_/ _[. + .]_ \_] section as well as the arms and legs. Swivel
\\/=======\// joints make maneuvering easier during combat.
[" _ "] Over 4/5 of the damage inflicted upon the armor
["../ \.."] is absorbed.
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
\__/ \__/
{20 - Rations}
/___/_/___/] Rations provide a source of nutrition for the
[\ ][\ ] ] normal human being. A being can usually travel
[\ ][\ ] ] up to 65 miles risking help problems due to lack
[\__][\__]/ of nutrients. Taking one or two supplements is
suffice for average-length journeys.
{21 - Hemp Rope}
______ _//
/.----.\ / \\ This rope is made of tough hemp
[IIIIII] /. ~ which stretches out to 50 feet.
[IIIIII] ii\. _ Two grappling hooks attached to
Rope [IIIIII] ii \_// the end of the rope helps for
[II[]II] ii \\ ascending and descending into
[IIIIII] ii ~ the unknown.
\\____// IIIIIi
{22 - Silencer}
/_____[::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [ ]
[.. /[) {} {} [ ]
...[___\[)__ -_._._._._._._._._._._.__[/
The Silencer, when in your possession, is always turned on. The Silencer
has the ability to absorb sound waves from your surrounding environment.
It is very useful on long voyages where you don't want to attract monsters
to your location. It works opposite of a Summoner.
{23 - Transmitter}
_ _
\ /
__// ~~ \\__ The transmitter allows a person to
[/[: o____o ]\] get in contact with the message base
[/[: [\\\\] ]\] back at the Complex from out in the
[/[: [\\\\] ]\] wastelands (possibly in a base or a
[/[: ~~~~~~ ]\] another facility).
{24 - Summoner}
\ . /
\ __/ \___ /
__ \__+++__/ __
\_\ ] [ /_/
- .\\ ] [ //. -
...... - [\~~~~~~~~~/] -
:........... ))______((
The Summoner has the ability to send out a piercing frequency signal which
disturbs any type of life form besides a human. The Summoner actually
"summons" creatures and leads them to your location. This equipment is
especially useful next to a safe area (such as the Complex or Base) where
the wielder wishes to fight many opponents without travelling far to find
them. Instead, the monsters find the wielder. It works opposite of the
{25 - MedPack}
/| .|
|"| HX MedPack .| The medpack, regarded as
|"| ___ .| the most necessary item in
|"| | | .| order to survive, provides for
|"| __| |__ .| healing to those who have been
|"| / \ .| wounded in battle. As well as
|"| \__ __/ .| the healing of hit points, anti
|"| | | .| radiation doses are supplied.
|"| |___| .| It's inventory includes bandages,
|"| (Reg. 2318).| pills, gauze, and various other
|"|________________________| medical needs.
{26 - Thumpers}
\_____/ Thumpers are modeled after an oil digger, where a metal
[ _ _ ] pole thrusts into the ground, creating vibrations down
} T { into the ground. These vibrations summon a pure radio-
[_T_] active creature: "Nukem".
{27 - Galaticom}
[; \\ \ \ \ \ \\ ]]
[; \\ \ \ \ \ \\ ]]
\; ~ ~~ ~~ ~//
\\ // The Galaticom is a universal translator
[ ::::: ]] which can translate a foreign language
[ ::::::: ]] (such as one of the Hydrites) into clear,
[ ::::::::: ]] grammatical humanoid language.
[ ::::::: ]]
{28 - Gasmask}
[~~~~~~~] A Gasmask is worn over the head of a person
([ ] [-]) in which fumagators clean the toxic air as
`\/ o \/' it is inhaled. Gasmasks are most useful in
`\\-//' fluid or gaseous areas.
{29 - Duroplast}
:. Duroplast packs come in a set of three
_:_______ explosive TnT cartridges. After lighting
I II II I the fuse on cartridge one, there is a 15
I II II I second delay to clear the area. If you
I=II=II=I are in the area of the explosion when it
I II II I ignites, your equipment/weapons/armor could
/I_II_II_I\ be damaged.
{30 - Aerial Scan}
[/ \] ..______. The Aerial Scanner is a small monitor
[xxxxxxx] } _____> which is used to process data of your
[=][|||||||][=] [ \{ surrounding area, when a flare gun is
["""""""] [_/ <*> used to distribute a scan light.
{31 - VacPack }
. _______________________
\ \ \
\ \ \ The VacPack is a small briefcase which
\ Vaccination Pack \ \ contains nine medical syringes, all
\ \ \ containing the necessary vaccinations
\____________________\/I for each known disease. Even though
I _ _ _ _ I I the VacPack is more expensive than
I [ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ] I I vaccinating at the Medical Center, it
I `I' `I' `I' `I' I I can be carried around as a piece of
I I I equipment, which saves unneeded trips
I .I. .I. .I. .I. I I back to the Complex.
I [_]-[_]-[_]-[_] I I
{32 - Environmental Suit}
_____ _____
/ \---/ \
[ __ __ ]
[ ] \ / [ ] The ancient HeXonium Environmental Suit is used
[ ] / \ [ ] in order to reduce the amount of radiation that
[_/ [ ] \_] enters the wearers body. The suit protects more
[[[[HX]]]] more than 80% over standard clothes. Traveling
[ ] throughout the wastelands should be accompanied
[ ./\. ] with this suit.
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
\__] [__/
{33 - Combat Suit}
Combat Suit
xx v v xx
)_...vv....( Combat Suit is primarily for heavy combat but
\ .vv. / offers no help from radiation in the wastelands.
x..vv..x The Combat Suit protects the wearer from heavy
)...vv...( damage from all angles except the helm. However,
)...vv...( the suit's weight hinders the wearers dexterity.